Welcome back to the Intentional Queen Podcast to empower women to become the best version of themselves on their journey to restoration in self-love, self-healing, and growth mindset!
What is your word to describe you in this Year 2021??!!
The new Mantra of Intentional Queen Journey is showing that “Vulnerability is Courage”! Queens, you have to be Courageous, and Do It Nervous! When God tells you to do something…DO IT! He can see Over the hill and Around the corner!! What you think was a setback could be your SET UP!! This episode is a replay of “Intentional Vulnerability and Unmasking”, a top-played podcast topic!
***Be Courageous and Walk on out there into your Purpose! #Trusttheprocess #Believeinyourself #Pivot #Bevulnerable
Are you unmasking or allowing yourself to be vulnerable?
This episode will dive into how to become more vulnerable in your day-to-day life. Plus, love yourself and embrace the journey of crushing/re-planting. Queens, we will dissect how to be “Daring Greatly”, the mantra by Brene Brown on vulnerability! I love her quote of “Vulnerability is Courage”!
Here is the clip from T.D. Jakes on Pruning/Crushing from YouTube.
Continue to level up your I. Q. to a better YOU, and subscribe/share with your friends!
Snapshot you listening to the podcast and tag me in it on social media…Queen Love!!
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- Instagram@Intentionalqueenjourney
- www.intentionalqueenjourney.com
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- Now streaming on YouTube and most streaming apps as well!!
If you have any show ideas, please contact me at intentionalqueenjourney@gmail.com.
Queens, see you on the next episode every 2 weeks on Thursdays!