Welcome back to the Intentional Queen Podcast to empower women to become the best version of themselves on their journey to restoration in self-love, self-healing, and growth mindset!
In May, we are going to be ALL about Celebrating Mental Health Awareness and Motherhood in these Intentional Queen Journey Streets!
This episode dives into empowering you on knowing your self-worth and value. Sometimes, I think we need a reminder that we are enough, right now in our present moment and journey! This definitely encompasses self-love and a growth mindset. This topic has come up multiple times when life coaching my clients, so I hope you are blessed by this WORD!
I have a new upcoming event series that I want you a part of, so make sure you are on the email list- Don’t miss out!
For more wisdom nuggets…The monthly newsletter is now called “The Intentional Refuel” because you are leveling up your I.Q. to a Better You! Make sure to Subscribe to the Email Newsletter on the website, and it will be sent to Refuel you on the Last Thursday of Every Month!
Queen, let’s chat and start your transformation today as your personal Life Coach!
**Book your Free 1:1 Consultation call with me today…
As your personal Certified Life Coach…Let’s Shift Your Crown on your self-love, self-healing & mindset growth journey!**
(Click Link above or see the website for more details).
-“Self-Love is not Selfish”…Click here.
-“Vulnerability is Courage” | Pivot & Walk On Out There!…Click here.
-Don’t Forget Self-Care is a part of Loving YOUrself | 10 Tips to Elevate Your Self-Care Game…Click here.
-Get comfortable with being uncomfortable | Luvvie Ajayi Jones (YouTube video)…Click here.
#may #worth #value #mental #self #growth
**Check Out my NEW Intentional Queen Journey Website…Click here!! Sign Up for Monthly Email Newsletter!!**
Continue to level up your I. Q. to a better YOU, and subscribe/share with your friends!
*Connect with Me*:
- Instagram : @Intentionalqueenjourney
- Twitter: @JineenIQJourney
- Website: Intentionalqueenjourney.com
- Intentional Refuel Monthly Newsletter (Last Thursday of every month): Sign up on the website
- YouTube and most streaming apps as well-make sure to Subscribe to my channel!!
Queens, see you on the next episode every 2 weeks on Thursdays!