Welcome back to the Intentional Queen Podcast to empower women to become the best version of themselves on their journey to restoration in self-love, self-healing, and growth mindset!
Remember the Hot Girl Healing Summer Virtual Event is Coming Soon in July- Sign Up via Newsletter for more information!
I have a New Ebook that I dropped last month! It is a blessing to women near and far how to level up on their own healing journey, and it is not just for Single Moms!
On Sale Now…Click here to Buy or go to my website! I have a Limited Promotion 25% Off Sale for the Intentional Queens with Coupon Code! Make sure to tell a Queen that needs this Word because I know it will bless them!
This episode dives into how to become comfortable with doing things that you may feel uncomfortable doing. Sometimes, we have a fear of failure or “what if’s” that block us from making any progress! So just start and pivot, but remember that there is courage in vulnerability. I discuss tips on how to overcome some of these obstacles that may get in the way of your progress and more!
For more wisdom nuggets…The monthly newsletter is now called “The Intentional Refuel” because you are leveling up your I.Q. to a Better You! Make sure to Subscribe to the Email Newsletter on the website, and it will be sent to Refuel you on the Last Thursday of Every Month!
Queen, let’s chat and start your transformation today as your personal Life Coach!
**Book your Free 1:1 Consultation call with me today…
As your personal Certified Life Coach…Let’s Shift Your Crown on your self-love, self-healing & mindset growth journey!**
-You Are Enough Right Where You Are Now | Know Your Worth…Click here.
-Practice Makes Improvement, no Perfection…Click here.
-The Power of Vulnerability with Brene Brown (YouTube)…Click here.
-My Dear Diary Ebook Walk-Through Video Tutorial…Click here.
#june #courage #tips #improvement #vulnerability #growth
Continue to level up your I. Q. to a better YOU, and subscribe/share with your friends!
*Connect with Me*:
- Instagram : @Intentionalqueenjourney
- Twitter: @JineenIQJourney
- Website: Intentionalqueenjourney.com
- Intentional Refuel Monthly Newsletter (Last Thursday of every month): Sign up on the website
- YouTube and most streaming apps as well-make sure to Subscribe to my channel!!
Queens, see you on the next episode every 2 weeks on Thursdays!