Welcome back to the Intentional Queen Podcast to empower women to become the best version of themselves on their journey to restoration in self-love, self-healing, and growth mindset!
Intentional Queens, you are what you think, it starts within you! Your thoughts and feelings are like little seeds that grow! You want to make sure your thoughts remain positive, so you can manifest positive things in life! You must speak positive affirmations over yourself daily, so it can become a trained habit! Believe in yourself and trust the process! Remember you are a Giraffe out there in these streets (T.D. Jakes- “giraffes vs. turtles”)! Start focusing on your vision and a positive mindset.
This is a Replay of another popular episode on the Intentional Queen Podcast.
#Build #Growth #Instinct #Mindset #Vision
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***Website Walk-Thru YouTube Video…Click Here to Check it out! It was by Special Request on the Intentional Queen Tribe!
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This episode dissects as “an Intentional Queen Thinketh”…for vision, purpose, and restoration. More importantly, this episode encompasses important tips on the power of positive thinking from the mantra of James Allen’s book (“As a man thinketh”), written in 1903.
Changing your #thoughts, sowing good seeds, and having boundaries/self-control is key to this process! Make sure to listen to my past episodes on “Meekness in the Storm”, “Intentional Vulnerability”, and “Intentional THANKSgiving and Vision” for how to start planning your vision and changing your thoughts with positive seeds/harvesting.
Hebrews 12:1
Tyler Perry’s YouTube video on Praying and Maintaining.
T.D. Jakes’s interview on Oprah about Giraffes vs. Turtles for Vision. Don’t endanger yourself Queens!!
Continue to level up your I. Q. to a better YOU, and subscribe/share with your friends!
Snapshot you listening to the podcast and tag me in it on social media…Queen Love!!
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- www.intentionalqueenjourney.com
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- Now streaming on YouTube and most streaming apps as well-make sure to Subscribe to my channel!!
If you have any show ideas, please contact me at intentionalqueenjourney@gmail.com.
Queens, see you on the next episode every 2 weeks on Thursdays!