Welcome back to the Intentional Queen Podcast to empower women to become the best version of themselves on their journey to restoration in self-love, self-healing, and growth mindset!
It’s March, Women’s History Month…Growth Mindset, Women Empowerment, and much more on the Intentional Queen Journey.
This episode dives into how to stay true to your authentic self and how you can use adversity in a positive way! My belief is that adversity can open doors to opportunities and assignments that you didn’t even realize were readily available to you. However, I empower you to go against the grain and speak up when you are led to do so because your story may Free someone else! Remember that having a growth and abundance mindset is more beneficial to your overall evolution than a scarcity mindset!
For more wisdom nuggets and watch the Healing Summit recap by signing up …The monthly newsletter is now called “The Intentional Refuel” because you are leveling up your I.Q. to a Better You! Make sure to Subscribe to the Email Newsletter on the website, and it will be sent to Refuel you on the Last Thursday of Every Month!
Queen, let’s chat and start your transformation today as your personal Life Coach!
**Book your Free 1:1 Consultation call with me today…
As your personal Certified Life Coach…Let’s Shift Your Crown on your self-love, self-healing & mindset growth journey!**
(Click Link above or see the website for more details).
-Silence is a Superpower | Know when to Speak Up…Click here.
-Make Room! | Capacity to Hold and Purge for Start of 2022…Click here.
-Break Free | Tips on how to be authentically you…Click here.
-Embrace Your Journey | Intentional Mindset Growth (Blog)…Click here.
-Focus on Positive Mindset and Vision…Click here.
#adversity #power #women #abundance #growth #mindset
**Check Out my NEW Intentional Queen Journey Website…Click here!! Sign Up for Monthly Email Newsletter!!**
Continue to level up your I. Q. to a better YOU, and subscribe/share with your friends!
*Connect with Me*:
- Instagram : @Intentionalqueenjourney
- Twitter: @JineenIQJourney
- Website: Intentionalqueenjourney.com
- Intentional Refuel Monthly Newsletter (Last Thursday of every month): Sign up on the website
- YouTube and most streaming apps as well-make sure to Subscribe to my channel!!
Queens, see you on the next episode every 2 weeks on Thursdays!